Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Police Discover Man's body in trunk

Police Discover Man's body in trunk

A foul odor around a taxi that had been impounded for parking violations turned out to be coming from a decomposing body in the vehicle's trunk, authorities said Tuesday.
This seems to be a Zinger lead, it doesn't seem to meet all the criteria of a regular lead, it is missing the who, where, why. Instead of who it simply says a mans body, it mentions a car was impounded so we can assume it is at an impound but it doesn't mention where, there is no explanation as to why the body took so long to be found. This is a zinger lead because it is the shock value and sense of unexplained detail that simply grabs the readers attention. I personally couldn't help but read the rest of the article.

1 comment:

Mariel said...

You're right. It's not quite a zinger lead, and in fact ends in a quite basic news style.

Your blog is looking nice, by the way. The colors and fonts and use of linking and textblocking makes all the difference.