Thursday, September 6, 2007

A Late but very Apt Bio

my late bio...
unfortunately i was late on this assignment and i can only promise myself that it will be the last instance in which something like this will happen...
my name is Dylan Miles, i am twenty one years of age, i am a cancer and i hate the summer heat. My favorite movie is Fight Club, my favorite book is The Unbearable Lightness of Being, My favorite writer is Dr. Hunter S. Thompson(RIP) I don't have a favorite type of music because of the mere fact that i am a collector and i can't choose a one type of music because all music contributes to the betterment of music as a whole and as a collector i have come to understand this. I intend to become a magazine writer merely because i love to write about current events and topical issues that can and do effect everyone, but in all honesty i am a poet at heart. I am a livid lover of life and want to have a house in the suburbs with two.5 children...
Biographys are unfulfilling because there is always something left unsaid

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.