Thursday, October 11, 2007

A CNN Blog of Politics

My Blog

My favorite blog is that of CNN political ticker. the main reason is because it has a chance to express itself without political remorse and at the same time it allows itself to have real meaning. the blog itself consists of various political views from various places but at the same time has actual meaning from people and places. the blog itself consists of political jargon rapped up in rhetoric but at the same time has something to offer those that are willing to listen, really it has to do with polotics and anyone that has a concern about that matter woould have a care to look

previous posts
Draft Gore group steps up efforts

WASHINGTON (CNN) — With roughly three months until the first wave of voters weigh in on the 2008 presidential candidates, Al Gore supporters are stepping up their efforts to persuade the former vice president to jump into the race. published an ad in the New York Times Wednesday with an open letter to the 2000 Democratic presidential nominee strongly urging he throws his hat into the ring.

"You say you have fallen out of love with politics, and you have every reason to feel that way," the letter states. "But we know you have not fallen out of love with your country. And your country needs you now — as do your party and the planet you are fighting so hard to save."

"Many good and caring candidates are contending for the Democratic nomination," the ad continues. "But none of them has the combination of experience, vision, standing in the world and political courage that you would bring to the job. Nor do they have the support among voters that you enjoy and would lead you to victory in 2008″.

The group also claims in the letter it has amassed 136,000 signatures for its petition urging Gore to run.

The ad comes two days before Gore finds out if he has won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to bring attention to the dangers of global warming. The winner is set to be announced on Friday in Norway.

The ad also comes a day after Gore backers in California began a campaign to get the former vice president on the state's Democratic primary ballot. The group needs to amass signatures from 26,500 registered Democrats in the state — 500 from each congressional district — by December 4 to successfully place Gore on the ballot.

Meanwhile, Gore himself continues to say he has no plans to run for president again.

Responding to the ad, Gore's spokeswoman Kalee Kreider said the former vice president "truly appreciates the heartfelt sentiment behind the ad, however, he has no intention of running for president.

"He is involved in a campaign of a different kind—a campaign to educate all Americans about the climate crisis and what we can do to solve it," she added.

– CNN's Alexander Mooney and Steve Brusk

Former attorney general hires influential lawyer

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has hired influential Washington attorney George Terwilliger to represent him as a probe continues into allegations he misled lawmakers about a controversial surveillance program and illegally let politics influence hiring and firing decisions at the Justice Department.

Terwilliger tells CNN his firm is "assisting Judge Gonzales as we assist many companies and individuals when they are cooperating with investigations. It is always unfair for anyone to assume that hiring a lawyer represents anything other than common sense."

Obama: Clinton vote on Iran shows 'flawed' judgment

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama criticized Sen. Hillary Clinton Thursday for her vote in support of a resolution calling an Iranian group a terrorist organization, saying it exhibited the "flawed" judgment she used during the vote to authorize the Iraq war five years ago.

The resolution, which declared the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization, could be used by President Bush as a "blank check" that he interprets as authorization to take military action against Iran, Obama said.

"We know in the past that the president has used some of the flimsiest excuses to try to move his agenda regardless of what Congress says," Obama told CNN's Wolf Blitzer.

When asked by an audience member at a campaign event Sunday why she voted for the resolution that the questioner said authorized military action against Iran, Clinton said, "The premise of the question is wrong," and went on to argue that the measure calls for the terrorist label so that sanctions can be imposed.

The sanctions, Clinton said while campaigning in New Hampton, Iowa, will in turn "send a clear message to the leadership" and lead to stronger diplomatic efforts.


Mariel said...

Good post. Interesting blog you cited.

Mariel said...

Good post. Interesting blog you cited.