Thursday, September 27, 2007

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Community Journalism - Human Interest

Asthma walk-a-thone

The High Desert Medical Group (HDMG) sponsored the first annual Walk-A-Thon for HDMG employees and friends on Sept. 7 to raise money for the Asthma Foundation.

The event's purpose was to honor Stacey Thomas, an HDMG employee who died unexpectedly on Sept. 7, 2006 of an asthma attack.

Thomas's friend Treva Ross-Taylor planned the 'Walk-A-Thon' to honor her friend and address the challenges faced by those suffering from asthma.

Short and sweet, this story is a story of community journalism because it focuses to inform local citizens of a particular event that occured, a local fundraiser. This was an event that had the purpose of telling local people about this issue, challengers of asthma, and at the same time inform them about the event itself.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Last Sunday, I We Think

“So what now,” they all asked. A rambunctious and reprobate group of seven went north to visit a friend they hadn’t seen in some time. Dylan was tired, David and Lorena were happy to be up this early, Danny was tired of driving and Lloyd was still a little drunk. The friend they were going to see had been isolated from his real family for about three months and his visiting time started around 11 a.m. Lloyd said, “well we have about an hour, Danny drives to goddamn fast, what say we get some beers and margaritas.” So the group set out to the local liquor store, getting cheap tequila and even cheaper beer, they traveled back to the car, having about 45 minutes left they decided to have a few drinks before they went to see there dear friend. Took about 15 minutes, the tequila was gone and the beers were open, on their way, they stopped at Carl’s Jr. to get some burgers and were off to see Robert in the hopes of sobering up before they had to leave.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Police Discover Man's body in trunk

Police Discover Man's body in trunk

A foul odor around a taxi that had been impounded for parking violations turned out to be coming from a decomposing body in the vehicle's trunk, authorities said Tuesday.
This seems to be a Zinger lead, it doesn't seem to meet all the criteria of a regular lead, it is missing the who, where, why. Instead of who it simply says a mans body, it mentions a car was impounded so we can assume it is at an impound but it doesn't mention where, there is no explanation as to why the body took so long to be found. This is a zinger lead because it is the shock value and sense of unexplained detail that simply grabs the readers attention. I personally couldn't help but read the rest of the article.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Clinton gives back some, but not all

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s presidential campaign announced last night that it would return about $850,000 to about 260 donors who had been recruited or tapped by Norman Hsu, the disgraced Clinton campaign fund-raiser who recently fled arrest and is now under investigation for his fund-raising practices.
The Clinton campaign also disclosed last night that it would begin running criminal background checks on its bundlers — the dozens of individuals who raise hundreds of thousands of dollars from donors on behalf of a candidate, as Mr. Hsu had done for Mrs. Clinton. A Clinton adviser said that “vigorous additional vetting” of the bundlers, including the criminal checks, would begin this week, and that the campaign was hiring people for that purpose.
Mr. Hsu’s legal problems have created the Clinton campaign’s first major in-house controversy. While Mr. Hsu donated $600,000 to an array of candidates over the last three years, he had become primarily a Clinton fund-raiser for this presidential cycle — one of the so-called Hillraisers who held events for Mrs. Clinton and aided her in the money race with a leading Democratic rival, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois.

This is a news feature article mainly because of the fact that it is a follow up to the continuing story about Presidential Candidate Cilinton and a donation made by foreign donor and further develops the situation between the money and where the money will go. This story follows the donation and the fact that the donor is a criminal. This story concludes the situation in that the Candidate Clinton is going to return the funds. This is a news follow feature because it is a concluding story surrounding the massive donation given to the Clinton campaign. The original news was the donation, this is a follow news feature because it tells of what Clinton will do with the funds.

Hillary Gives Back Some, But Not All

Thursday, September 6, 2007

A Late but very Apt Bio

my late bio...
unfortunately i was late on this assignment and i can only promise myself that it will be the last instance in which something like this will happen...
my name is Dylan Miles, i am twenty one years of age, i am a cancer and i hate the summer heat. My favorite movie is Fight Club, my favorite book is The Unbearable Lightness of Being, My favorite writer is Dr. Hunter S. Thompson(RIP) I don't have a favorite type of music because of the mere fact that i am a collector and i can't choose a one type of music because all music contributes to the betterment of music as a whole and as a collector i have come to understand this. I intend to become a magazine writer merely because i love to write about current events and topical issues that can and do effect everyone, but in all honesty i am a poet at heart. I am a livid lover of life and want to have a house in the suburbs with two.5 children...
Biographys are unfulfilling because there is always something left unsaid